QR-code Generator JS App

Generate QR codes effortlessly on demand using HTML forms and JavaScript.
Instantly create custom QR codes for websites, contact details, text-based information and more.
Easy-to-use, customizable and user-friendly tool.

Setup Instructions

To work properly, download and unzip the compressed folder:
Download: Obtain the compressed folder containing the app files from the provided link.
Unzip: Extract the contents of the compressed folder to a desired location on your computer.
Run: Open the extracted folder and locate the generate.html file. Open this file in your web browser to start using the app.
Ensure that all extracted files remain in their respective folders to maintain proper functionality.

What are QR codes used for?

In our dynamic digital landscape, QR codes, an acronym for Quick Response codes, stand as monumental bridges between the tangible and the virtual.
These intricate matrix barcodes hold the key to a treasure trove of information, seamlessly weaving together physical objects and digital content.
From marketing collateral and business cards to advertisements and product labels, QR codes serve as gateways to a vast array of data.
With a swift scan using your smartphone camera, you embark on an instantaneous journey, unlocking websites, contact details, promotions, and beyond.
Embrace the transformative power of QR codes, transcending traditional boundaries and shaping a new era of effortless connectivity.