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DateTech news feed
August 26, 2024 Coding is Dead, Long Live Codes
August 26, 2024 This AI Startup Wants to Fix Your Code Bugs. And Got YC Backing for It
August 21, 2024 In a leaked recording, Amazon cloud chief tells employees that most developers could stop coding soon as AI takes over
August 20, 2024 Cursor AI is Better at Coding Than GitHub Copilot Will Ever Be
August 19, 2024 Who needs GitHub Copilot when you can roll your own AI code assistant at home
August 17, 2024 Top AI Tools for Robot Programming
August 14, 2024 AI coding tools accelerate software development
August 13, 2024 The Changing Expectations for Developers in an AI-Coding Future
August 13, 2024 The best AI chatbots for programming, and a bunch that failed miserably
August 12, 2024 AI Coding Tools: Are They a Threat or a Boon for Coders?
August 12, 2024 Introducing Zencoder: Revolutionizing Software Development with AI-Powered Coding Agents
August 12, 2024 Cosine raises $2.5M for its 'uncannily human' AI coding assistant Genie
August 12, 2024 Tabnine AI coding assistant flexes its models
August 11, 2024 JetBrains Improves AI Code Completion, OpenAI Boosts JSON
August 11, 2024 A Gen Z data scientist says AI jobs require more than coding
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